
The NEIC Initiative commenced in July 2016, when the Government launched a major initiative to oversee the long-term social and economic regeneration of Dublin’s North East Inner City.

To support the work of the Ministerial Taskforce, Mr Kieran Mulvey was appointed to engage with local community groups, representatives, and other interests, and to report back with specific recommendations. The Mulvey Report, ‘Creating a Brighter Future’ was published in February 2017 and recommended a number of actions to tackle priority areas of crime and drugs, education, training and employment opportunities, services for families and young people and physical improvements.

The Report also recommended a system of implementation structures to support the process, including the appointment of an Independent Chairperson to head a Programme Implementation Board to lead the work at local level.

The Programme Implementation Board is assisted in its work by six Subgroups comprised of Departments, Government agencies and community representatives. The Subgroups, and the work undertaken in each, varies in nature, scale, and complexity. Although they deal with different responsibilities, the overarching purpose of each Subgroup is guided by the vision and values for the NEIC.


At its core, the NEIC Initiative works towards making the North East Inner City a safe, attractive and vibrant living and working environment for the community and its families, with opportunities for all to lead full lives.


These values act as the ‘glue’ that ties the varying work of the NEIC together and defines the commonalities across each subgroup and their purpose.

In 2019, the PIB developed a three year Strategic Plan for 2020 – 2022 and Refresh Plan 2023 bringing a more structured approach to the delivery of the programme of work, and a focus on long-term sustainable outcomes; alignment of objectives across the subgroups; enhanced cross-team collaboration; and accountability for the delivery of priority actions. Work has commenced on developing a new strategic plan which will re-focus strategic priorities for the next three years and build on the ambitions of the Mulvey Report and the Strategic Plan 2020-2023.

We encourage you to tour the rest of the website to find out more about the work of the NEIC Initiative to date, including all of our Annual Reports in the Publications section.