Trauma Self-Care Workshop
Front-line support in the NEIC for services working with children, young people & families
A pilot-programme/initiative brought by the Critical Incident Working Group & supported by Subgroup 3 (Youth & Family Services) of the NEIC Initiative
Aim of the workshop: The objective is to gain insight on the impact of working with children, young people and families, affected by traumatic events. It will also offer ways to care for ourselves in such circumstances.
The need for the workshop came from a series of community consultations over around the impact of trauma in our community and is our second series of successful workshops to be held in the NEIC.
When: Thursday March 26th from 9.30 am to 2 pm
Where: Edmund Rice House, at the corner of NCR and North Richmond St, Dublin 1.
Who can attend: This workshop is open to services working with children, young people and families across all sectors, in the North East Inner-City.
How: Places are limited to 40 and on a first come first served basis. On receipt of the application form below, people will be contacted as soon as possible afterwards.
There are also two conditions for attendance:
1.One of those attending must be a manager or senior staff member in their organisation.
If a manager/senior staff member has attended the previously offered workshop in 2019, they are not required to attend a second time unless they feel they would benefit from a refresher.
2.Managers/senior staff must commit to attending a second workshop addressing needs specific to supervisory/management roles.
As part of the application each organisation must forward on appropriate referral information on organisational supports/EAP information/any staff support available and accessible through their local (or funding) organisation.
This information will be required in advance of the workshop, in order to have all pertinent information available to participants on the day, to ensure that those attending have the needed support following the workshop.
Please send completed application form to : by 12th March 2020 before 12.
For more information, please contact YPAR: (01) 8194779
Application Form
Trauma Self-Care Workshop
Front-line support in the NEIC for services working with children, young people & families, 26th March 2020.
Contact details
Organisational supports/EAP information/any staff support available and accessible through their local (or funding) organisation.
Type of support
How accessed