12 Jan 2018News

Sport and Wellbeing Programme 2018


A message from Bruce McDevitt, Senior Sports Officer for the North East Inner City: "If you want to become active 2018 is the year to get people physically active in the community, at a level they desire. If you want to join a sports club our aim is to help you make that connection. If you as a local would like to join a walking group, the local parkrun or simply get active our aim is again to help you make that connection. If it's to try a new activities or perhaps start a new club our aim is to support you in your efforts. If you feel you would like to give something back to the community, we are very interested in supporting you in this journey.

If you want to become 'active' in the community our aim is to help you in your efforts. This brochure sets out some of the 'activation' programmes that will be rolled out in the North East Inner City and its surrounding areas during 2018. Please feel free to contact me or any of my colleagues in relation to the 'activation' programmes going on across the area. We would be delighted to help in any way possible."

If you would like to read the brochure click HERE

Lots of photos from the day availableHERE.


Sport and Recreation Programmes 2017 - 2018


     * 1.Cycling Programmes – including ‘Sprocket Rocket’ , ‘Bike For Life’ , ‘Bike Week’

     * 2.Basketball Programmes - (Getting All Girls Active – GAGA)

     * 3.Football Programmes – Community Activation (Getting All Girls Active – GAGA)

     * 4.Kick - Boxing Programme – Activation of New Club

     * 5.Ladies Gaelic Football Association (LGFA) Programme (Getting All Girls Active – GAGA)

     * 6.Personal Wellbeing Course – (Change for Life)

     * 7.Francesca Arkins Dance Academy (Getting All Girls Active – GAGA)

     * 8.Sheriff Street - Confi - Dance Academy (Getting All Girls Active – GAGA)

     * 9.Cricket Programmes - New Sport Activation (Getting All Girls Active – GAGA) & Boys

     * 10.Rugby Programmes – New Sport Activation (Getting All Girls Active – GAGA) & Boys

     * 11.Inter School – Boxing Programme (Getting All Girls Active – GAGA)

     * 12.Walking Groups (Get Dublin Walking), Running Groups (Couch to Parkrun)

     * 13.Healthy Living Programme – North Wall (Forever Fit)

     * 14.Pentathlon Ireland – Laser Run Programme (Fit For Class)

     * 15\. Fencing Ireland Programme- New Activity (Getting All Girls Active – GAGA)

     * 16.Swimming Pool - Watersports Programmes

     * 17.Champions Sports Programme (Intellectual Disabilities)

     * 18\. Lawn Bowls Programme

     * 19.Rockclimbing Programmes

     * 20.Active Secondary Schools Programme (Fit For Class)

     * 21.Bootcamps – Teenagers - Focus on Girls (Hell Raisers)

     * 22.Events – EXPOs – Schools and Clubs

     * 23.Corporate Governance Programme for Clubs

     * 24\. Coaching Development Programme for Sports Clubs

     * 25.Older Adult Programmes - Dublin City Council Recreation Centres (Forever Fit)

     * 26.FAI Programmes – Late Night Leagues

     * 27.GAA GPS Programme

     * 28.Waterways Programmes

     * 29.Health, Fitness, Wellbeing Programmes (Change for Life)

     * 30.Youth Group Recreation Programmes

     * 31.Camogie Programme (Getting All Girls Active – GAGA)

     * 32.Relaxation and Wellness Programmes

     * 33\. Weightlifting and Wrestling

     * 34.Mountain Bike Programme (Hell Raisers)

     * 35.Trinity Access Programme – Sport Mentoring

     * 36.GAA Academies and Expansion of Structures

     * 37.DCU Sport and Wellbeing Programme

     * 38.Soccer Sisters – Local Community Camp (Getting All Girls Active - GAGA)

     * 39.Noel O’ Reilly League (Inter Youth Service League)

     * 40.Soccer For Mums

     * 41.Project Fun Direction

     * 42\. Sean Mc Dermott Street Taekwondo


1. Cycling Programmes

Overview: Introduction to cycling courses including bike education training – ‘Sprocket Rocket’, ‘Bike for Life’ and ‘Bike Week’.

Venue: Relevant schools and appropriate training locations

Open to : Local Schools, General Population

Link to Sustainable Activity: Programme will be used to highlight safe cycling and potential of cycling safely for personal enjoyment

Commencing: February 2018

For further Information please contact: (086-3821773)

2. Basketball Programme - (Getting All Girls Active – GAGA)

Overview: Programme will link young girls from North Wall into Trinity Access Programme and Trinity Basketball Club.

Venue: St. Laurence O’ Toole Recreational Centre – North Wall

Link to Sustainable Activity: Programme will see local school participate in Primary School programme which links to the Trinity Access Programme and Trinity Basketball Club. These structures are being developed to link inner city young people to Trinity College

Programme open to: St. Laurence O Toole Girls School

Commencing: January 2018

For further Information please contact: (087-9809095)

3. Football Programmes - Community Activation Programmes

Overview: Programmes will support Girls / Women’s teams in the area including Sheriff YC, St. Josephs East Wall, Marino girls, Hardwicke FC and new Academy at Sheriff YC

Venues: Sheriff St, Sean O’ Casey (East Wall), Hardwicke St

Target Groups: Children (4 -8 years), 10 -12 yr old girls, women

Link to Sustainable Activity: Programme will be used to link girls and women into current local clubs including Hardwicke FC, Sheriff YC, Marino Girls and St. Josephs East Wall

Programme open to: Local Children (4- 8 years), local girls – 8 - 12 years of age, Women (Hardwicke FC)

Commencing: Ongoing

For further Information please contact: (087-1253231)

4. Kick Boxing Programme

Overview: Programme to create confidence in young boys and girls in a new club

Venues: North Strand - WIMAAOO Kickboxing club

Link to Sustainable Activity: Programme will offer participants an introduction into the newly formed club WIMAAOO Kickboxing Club (North Strand)

Programme open to: All Ages

Commencing: Ongoing

For further Information please contact: (087-9809095)

5. Ladies Gaelic Football Association (LGFA) Programme - (Getting All Girls Active – GAGA)

Overview: Programme to create confidence in girls playing Gaelic Football in local schools

Venues: Larkin College and Mount Carmel Secondary Schools

Target Groups: Girls 13-16 Years of age

Link to Sustainable Activity: Programme aims to develop Gaelic Football in respective schools and link to local club Scoil Uí Chonaill

Programme open to: 1st and 2nd Years (Girls) Larkin Community College and Mount Carmel

Commencing: January 2018

For further Information please contact: (087-1253231)

6. Personal Wellbeing Course - (Change for Life)

Overview: Programme to promote health living and personal wellbeing amongst women.

Venues: Ballybough Youth and Community Centre

Link to Sustainable Activity: Programme is focusing on personal wellbeing. Participants will be targeted towards Parkrun taking place in Fairview Park

Programme open to: Ladies (20 – 40 years) living in North East Inner City

Commencing: January 2018

For further Information please contact: (087-9809095)

**7. Francesca Arkins Dance Academy (Getting All Girls Active – GAGA)

**Overview: Programme to attract young persons to Dance Academy

Venues: Lourdes Parish Hall (Off Sean Mac Dermott Street)

Link to Sustainable Activity: Programme will aim to support club in the area

Programme open to: Girls and Boys living in area

Commencing: Ongoing

For further Information please contact: (087-1253231)

8. North Wall Confi - Dance Academy (Getting All Girls Active – GAGA)

Overview: Programme to attract young persons to Confi - Dance Academy

Venues: St. Laurence O’Toole Recreation Centre

Link to Sustainable Activity: Programme aims to increase number of participants

Programme open to: Girls and Boys 6 – 18 years

Commencing: Ongoing

For further Information please contact: (087-9809095)

9. Cricket Programme – New Sport Activation (Getting All Girls Active – GAGA)

Overview: Delivery of new sport to Schools with aim of integrating into School Sports Curriculum and linking participants to nearest clubs

Venues: 4 Secondary Schools (Larkin Community College, Stanhope Street, Mount Carmel and O’ Connells)

Link to Sustainable Activity: Programme will link to local cricket club – Clontarf CC and Phoenix CC

Programme open to: Girls and Boys (13 -16 years) attending respective schools

Commencing: November 2017

For further Information please contact: (086-1795587)

10. Rugby Programme – New Sport Activation (Getting All Girls Active) and Boys Programme

Overview: Delivery of new Sport to Schools with aim of integrating into School Sports Curriculum

Venues: 2 Secondary Schools (Girls) – Mount Carmel and Larkin Community College. Boys Secondary Schools O ‘Connells, Larkin College, St. Josephs Fairview

Link to Sustainable Activity: Programme will aim to see new school teams developed in area. Participants will be linked with Clontarf Rugby Club

Programme open to: Girls and Boys (13 – 15 years) attending respective schools

Commencing: January 2018

For further Information please contact: (086-1994569)

11. Inter – School Boxing Programme (Getting All Girls Active – GAGA)

Overview: Inter School Boxing Programme to promote female Boxing within local Boxing clubs

Venues: Various Schools and Boxing Clubs across the area

Link to Sustainable Activity: Programme will link participants into local boxing clubs

Programme open to: Girls and Boys (predominately girls) attending respective schools (9 – 14 years)

Commencing: September 2017

For further Information please contact: (087-6748928)

12. Walking Groups (Get Dublin Walking) and Running Groups (Coach to Parkrun)

Overview: Programme geared towards getting Adults active at level they desire

Venues: Various

Link to Sustainable Activity: Groups will be linked into Parkrun programme

Programme open to: Adults across North Inner City

Commencing: January 2018

For further Information please contact:

Derek Ahern (Summerhill Area) -

John Sweeney (Ballybough, North Wall and East Wall) –

Mitch Whitty (North West Inner City) –

13. Healthy Living – St. Laurence O’ Toole Recreation Centre

Overview: Programme which aims to educate participants about healthy living and participate in classes such as Yoga and Thai Chi

Venues: St. Laurence O’Toole Recreation Centre

Link to Sustainable Activity: Programme will aim to create structures from group

Programme open to: Adults (North Wall Area)

Commencing: December 2017

For further Information please contact: (087-9809095)

14. Pentathlon Ireland Programme

Overview: Project will provide taster sessions in relevant disciplines

Venues: Various Primary and Secondary Schools - North East Inner City

Link to Sustainable Activity: Programme will link with Pentathlon Ireland Regional programmes

Programme open to: Relevant Schools

Commencing: February 2018

For further Information please contact: (086-3821773)

15. Fencing Ireland (Getting all Girls Active – GAGA)

Overview: Project will provide taster sessions in fencing to St. Laurence O’ Toole Girls School & to general population at St. Laurence O’ Toole Recreation Centre

Venue: St. Laurence O’ Toole Recreation Centre

Link to Sustainable Activity: Programme will aim to deliver leaders through afterschool programme

Programme open to: Girls (North Wall Area), Families (North Wall Area)

Commencing: February 2018

For further Information please contact: (087-9809095)

16. Swimming Pool Water Based Activities

Overview: A number of water based activities for young people, older adults, disability groups, women’s groups and public hours.

Venue: Sean Mc Dermott Street Pool

Key Personnel: Carol Finlay (Swim Ireland)

Link to Sustainable Activity: Programmes will be used to increase activity through structured based water activities

Programme open to: All Ages

Commencing: February 2018

For further Information please contact: Carol Finlay (

17. Champion Sports Programme

Overview: Programme that caters activities towards people with intellectual disabilities (CRC)

Venue: Ballybough Youth and Community Centre

Programme open to: Adults Through Rehabilitation Centre

Commencing: January 2018

For further Information please contact: (087-9809095)

18. Lawn Balls Programme

Overview: An Introductory programme for older adult participants

Venues: Ierne Sport and Social Club

Link to Sustainable Activity: Programme will link with Ierne Social Club

Programme open to: Groups looking to use Ierne Sport and Social Club

Commencing: October 2017

For further Information please contact: (086-3821773)

19. Rock-climbing Programmes

Overview: Programme will target young people 12-18 years of age into trying an alternate activity – young people will be guided towards local adventure clubs

Venue: Larkin Community College

Link to Sustainable Activity: Will link young people into relevant adventure sports clubs

Programme open to: Relevant Youth Service Groups (12- 18 years)

Commencing: February 2018

For further Information please contact:

20. Active Secondary Schools Programme (Fit For Class)

Overview: To promote secondary school sport – particularly amongst girls

Venue: Larkin Community College, Mount Carmel, O’ Connells Boys

Link to Sustainable Activity: Relevant school sports will be linked to local clubs

Programme open to: Relevant Schools

Commencing: January 2018

For further Information please contact: (087-1253231)

21. Bootcamp – Teenagers (Hell – Raisers)

Overview: Bootcamps will be run through DCC Venues and through local youth services and afterschool clubs

Venue: DCC Recreation Centres, Local Youth Service Halls

Link to Sustainable Activity: Participants will be guided towards local sports clubs and parkun

Programme open to: Relevant Youth Agencies

Commencing: February 2018

For further Information please contact: (087-9809095)

22. Events – EXPOs – Schools - Clubs – Youth Services

Overview: Promote School – Club linkage and General Activity through open days at local schools

Venue: Various Schools across area

Link to Sustainable Activity: Link participants to relevant activity or sports clubs

Programme open to: Relevant Schools , General Population

Commencing: January 2018

For further Information please contact: (087-1253231)

23. Corporate Governance Workshops for Structured Sports Clubs

Overview: Programme is being run through Carmichael Centre. Aim is to get all local clubs to sign up to governance code

Venues: Various

Link to Sustainable Activity: Programme will develop structured clubs who sign up to

practice of good governance

Programme open to: All local sports clubs

Commencing: November 2017

For further Information please contact: (087-1253231)

24. Coaching Development Programme for Sports Clubs

Overview: Programme will develop volunteers of local clubs in areas such as child protection, basic first aid and coaching qualifications for new teams

Venue: Various

Programme open to: All local sports clubs and willing volunteers

Commencing: December 2017

For further Information please contact: (087-1253231)

25. Older Adults Programmes (Forever Fit)

Overview: Programmes will focus on Healthy Activities for Older Adults

Venue: Various Community Rooms and DCC Recreational Centres

Programme open to: Older Adults

Commencing: February 2018

For further Information please contact: (087-9809095)

26. Late – Night Leagues

Overview: Programme will aim to provide late night diversional activity for young males and specific programme for females

Venue: Hardwicke St

Link to Sustainable Activity: Young people will be guided towards local clubs where appropriate

Programme open to: Males and Females

Commencing: November 2017

For further Information please contact: (083-1670271)

27. GAA GPS Programme

Overview: Programme will see Transition Year students mentored into local coaches who delivery GAA coaching programme in local schools

Venue: Larkin Community College and 4 local primary schools

Programme open to: Transition Year Students (Coaches), Gardiner St Primary School, Scoil Chaomhaoin and Central Model School

Commencing: February 2018

For further Information please contact: (087-1253231)

28. Waterway Programmes

Overview: Programme will link with Waterways Ireland and relevant Youth Services to provide activities on local canals

Venue: Local Waterways

Link to Sustainable Activity: Programme will link with Adventure Sports Company due to commence working on canals

Programme open to: Various Youth Groups / Services

Commencing: TBC – 2018

For further Information please contact: (087-1253231)

29. Health, Fitness and Wellbeing Programme (Change for Life)

Overview: Programme aims to target women in Summerhill area into sustainable activities – activities will include aerobics, boxercise, Tai Chi, Yoga will also include talks from Sports Ambassadors

Venue: Lourdes Parish Hall, Larkin Community College

Link to Sustainable Activity: Programme will link to a number of sustainable activities such as parkrun

Programme open to: General Public

Commencing: January 2018

For further Information please contact: (086-3821773)

30. Youth Group Recreation Programmes

Overview: Programmes will support youth group recreation programmes which divert young people from anti-social behaviour into recreational activity

Venues: Various – Predominantly DCC Venues

Link to Sustainable Activity: Programmes will link to local sports clubs where appropriate

Programme open to: Youth Groups

Commencing: February 2018

For further Information please contact: (087-1253231)

31. Camogie Programme (Getting All Girls Active – GAGA)

Overview: Programme in local Primary School to create school teams and local young peoples

Venue: TBC – A number of primary schools

Link to Sustainable Activity: Programme will link to local club Scoil Uí Chonaill

Programme open to: Girls in local schools

Commencing: TBC

For further Information please contact: (087-1253231)

32. Relaxation and Wellbeing Programmes (Change for Life)

Overview: Programme will aim to provide wellness programmes throughout local communities

Venue: DCC Recreational Centres

Programme open to: Adults

Commencing: January 2018

For further Information please contact: (087-1253231)

33. Olympic Weightlifting and Wrestling

Overview: Introductory programme will aim to provide additional activity to schools in the area

Venue: Hercules Gym

Programme open to: Local Schools

Commencing: January 2018

For further Information please contact:

34. Mountain Bike Programme

Overview: Introductory programme which will aim to provide additional support relevant services

Venue: Outward Bounds - Mountains

Link to Sustainable Activity: Programmes will aim to link to local clubs

Programme open to: Participants on relevant projects

Commencing: February 2018

For further Information please contact: (086-3821773)

35. Trinity Access Programme – Sports Mentoring

Overview: Programme aims to use sports a tool for attracting young people to access Trinity College and see the potential opportunities within 3rd Level Education

Venue: Trinity College, Dublin

Link to Sustainable Activity: Programmes will aim to link with Trinity College Sports Clubs

Programme open to: Participants from 3 local secondary schools

Commencing: January 2018

For further Information please contact: (087-1253231)

36. GAA Academies and Expansion of Current Structures

Overview: Development of a Nursery and underage structures with Scoil Uí Chonaill & St. Joseph O Connell Boys

Venue: O’ Connells / Larkin Community College, Common Street Pitch

Link to Sustainable Activity: Programmes will link to Scoil Uí Chonaill and St. Joseph O’ Connell Boys

Programme open to: Nursery (4 – 8 years), Teams 9 yr olds through to Adults (Male and Female)

Commencing: February 2018

For further Information please contact: (087-1253231)

37. DCU Sport and Wellbeing Programme

Overview: Programme aims to measure fitness levels across schools in area and develop programmes based on young peoples needs. Programme will also accommodate young people in secondary schools in relation t o PE EXPO. Research will also be provided.

Venue: Primary and Secondary Schools across NEIC

Link to Sustainable Activity: DCU aim to design bespoke activities based on local interests as a result of initial research and discussions with participants

Programme open to: Schools (Primary and Secondary)

Commencing: February 2018

For further Information please contact: (087-1253231)

38. Soccer Sisters – Local Girls Community Camps

Overview: Development programme – Designed to allow girls build confidence in soccer during mid-term breaks

Venue: St. Laurence O’ Toole Recreation Centre Pitch

Link to Sustainable Activity: Programmes will link to Sheriff YC (Girls Teams)

Programme open to: 7- 14 year olds

Commencing: November 2017, April 2018

For further Information please contact: (083-1670271)

39. Noel O’ Reilly League

Overview: Inter Youth Service League – 13 -16 year olds boys

Venue: Various

Link to Sustainable Activity: Programmes will link to local clubs where appropriate

Programme open to: 13 – 16 year olds

Commencing: November 2017

For further Information please contact: (083-1670271)

40. Soccer for Mums

Overview: Introductory Programme to Mums

Venue: Rutland Street National School

Link to Sustainable Activity: Programmes will link to local activities in the area

Programme open to: Parents – Local School

Commencing: January 2018

For further Information please contact: (083-1670271)

41. Project Fun Direction

Overview: Fun Activity Programme for young girls and boys

Venue: St. Laurence O’ Toole Recreation Centre , Rutland Street School, O’ Connells

Link to Sustainable Activity: Programmes will link to local clubs in the area

Programme open to: Children 8 – 12 yrs

Commencing: November 2017

For further Information please contact: (087-1253231)

42. Sean Mc Dermott Street Taekwondo

Overview: Programme to create confidence in young boys and girls in a new club

Venues: Lourdes Parish Hall

Link to Sustainable Activity: Programme will offer participants an introduction to Taekwondo Club

Programme open to: All Ages

Commencing: Ongoing

For further Information please contact: (087-1253231)