Sail Training Ireland will hold an information evening on Tuesday 4th February at 6.30pm in Saint Agatha’s Hall Dunne St. 1 D01 E395, to inform local groups about the NEIC sail training voyages this year. Sail Training Ireland will be running two voyages one – for 14-17 year olds and one for 18+.
The voyages can be booked online at
Irish Sea Explorer - NEIC Voyage (U18s) – P2012B – 14-17 Year Olds
Dates: 03-07-2020 to 09-07-2020
Route: Dublin to Dublin
Vessel: Pelican of London
Trainee Capacity: 15
Fee: €50
Step onboard the amazing Pelican of London for the Adventure of a lifetime. Where you will experience our beautiful coastline from a different perspective. Hopefully see our wonderful sea life, dolphins swimming alongside, whales in the distance. Experience amazing sunrises and sunsets. You will get to climb the rigging, hoist sails, drive the ship and work alongside the professional crew. Please Note : To qualify for this voyage you must be either resident in, or engaging with a community service in, the North East Inner City of Dublin.
Irish Sea Explorer - NEIC Voyage (O18s) – P2011B – 18+
Dates: 24-06-2020 to 01-07-2020
Route: Dublin to Dublin
Vessel: Pelican of London
Trainee Capacity: 15
Fee: €50
Step onboard the amazing Pelican of London for the Adventure of a lifetime. Where you will experience our beautiful coastline from a different perspective. Hopefully see our wonderful sea life, dolphins swimming alongside, whales in the distance. Experience amazing sunrises and sunsets. You will get to climb the rigging, hoist sails, drive the ship and work alongside the professional crew. Please Note : To qualify for this voyage you must be either resident in, or engaging with a community service in, the North East Inner City of Dublin.
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