20 Dec 2018News

QPR Visit on 7th December 2018


On the 7th of December 2018, Pablo Blackwood and James McLynn from QPR presented in Store Street Garda Station and subsequently ran a ‘Sport and Thought’ workshop with the children from Saint Laurence O Toole boys school in Sherriff Street Football Club.

There are three basic pillars in this programme which Pablo and James are constantly working to. They run drills, run football matches, run skills, have conversations and refer to this way of working all through out the sessions. They are as follows:

Pablo and James delivered a 2hr presentation in Store Street on the philosphy of Sport and Thought and showed and spoke about how they are using these tools in the London area in a variety of different settings, most notably Wormword Scrums and HMP Brixton. They spoke about how they are using this programme in very deprived areas where gang crime and specifically knife crime is prevalent. The day was a great event for the area, in particular the children