02 Sep 2022News

NEIC Healthcare Navigation Service


The HSE and NEIC have developed a pilot community aftercare programme Healthcare Navigation Service  in which residents or people with strong local links to the NEIC who are leaving prison will be supported to navigate and engage with health services. Prior to being released from custody service users will work with a dedicated Care Navigator to complete a focused health and social care needs assessment and develop an individualised care plan.

The programme will support men and women who have a connection to the NEIC. The programme will start while the service user is in custody and bridge the gap between custody and community support. Based on the individualised care plan, the Care Navigator will establish strong working relationships with existing services in the NEIC and support service users to engage by arranging and attending appointments and advocating on the service users behalf where necessary. Prior to release from custody the Care Navigator will identify any personal obstacles which have previously prevented someone engaging and include some level of pre-engagement work with them.

The Care Navigator will act as a link between the service user and the services which exist within the prison and community. They will establish strong relationships with existing services to enhance the efficacy of these services by supporting service users who are harder to engage.

The NEIC Healthcare Navigation Service aims to improve the physical and mental health outcomes of vulnerable adults who reside in the NEIC by bridging the gap between prison and community services. Through goal oriented support, service users will be empowered to advocate for themselves and manage their health and social care needs. 

Stage 1 - Pre-Release

Referral to programme by prison staff / services working in the prisons 8 weeks pre- release

  • introduction to care navigator

  • introduction to peer mentor

  • care plan developed with you and care navigator

  • explore all your options and make links with services you will need post release

Phase 2 - Release and Post Release

Continued support and meetings with care navigator for 8 weeks post release

  • met at gate by care navigator / peer mentor

  • help and encourage you make and attend health care appointments - drug services, mental health services, primary health care &dental

  • review care plan

  • help and encourage you to link in with other services

Phase 3 - Post Programme

Continued support and meetings with peer mentor for up to 12 months

  • mentor support

  • help and encouragement to look after your health and engage with services

Eligibility for Service, the person will:

  • Reside in the NEIC once released from prison

  • Lived in the NEIC for a continuous 5-year period at any time

  • Be  attending healthcare services in the area

  • Place of employment will be in the area

  • Be in full-time education in the area

  • Have a close relative, such as child or parent, residing in the area and has resided there for a minimum period of 2 years?

For more information and referral process

Clare Healy, Care Navigator, Ph: 086- 128 2956 Email: