20 Jun 2018News

NEIC Celebrates Crinniú na nÓg


NEIC Celebrates Crinniú na nÓg – Saturday 23rd June, 11-6 p.m. Liberty Park, Foley Street

Cruinniú na nÓg, the national day of creativity for children and young people aims to celebrate and encourage children and young people’s participation in culture and creativity through a compelling spread of performances, coding, theatre, art and music workshops, readings and screenings, special events and much more. This variety of child-centred events will be free and activity-based, with plenty of opportunities for young people to get ‘doing’, ‘making’ and ‘creating’.

Celebrate this national event in the North East Inner City. 11-6 p.m. Liberty Park, Foley Street

The full Dublin City Programme is available here

Look out for other activities happening in the NEIC

Pg. 1 – Dancing in Dublin 1
Pg. 1 – City Silhouettes on the Canal
Pg. 2 – Nature Spatter Printing
Pg. 4 - #WE_RD_SHOW
Pg. 5 – Story Shoots and Musical Roots
Pg. 10 – Monto Print n Run
Pg. 17 - North Strand Graffiti Jam