08 Mar 2022News

International Women's Day - Celebrating Women in Construction


International Women’s Day 8th March 2022 - INTREO are celebrating International Women’s Day by encouraging women to enter the Construction Industry.

Please see below the first of a series of testimonials that are being released over the weekend and next week on our JobsIreland media platforms.

If you would like show your support by giving a like or share this would be very much appreciated.


Please find the links for today’s video below:   

“Meet Jade, an electrical apprentice with Principal Electric. She is in her first year and working on various building sites in Dublin City. She encourages other females to consider a career in construction.”

Facebook link:


Twitter link:


Please find JobsIreland social media handles below to tune in for a new video each day:


Facebook:          jobsireland2

Twitter:              @jobsireland


Linkedin:            jobs-ireland