The FSAS Film Club is a workshop series for children and young people from Dublin 1. The participants learn about filming techniques and discover how to use professional filming equipment.
The 2023/2024 Film Club has expanded its partnership to the Belvedere Youth Club (BYC), broadening the reach of the programme to young people, in addition to the new group of children that will be involved through City Connects.
For the first workshop series, the BYC participants are made a documentary about their football experience. Fire Station Artists' Studio proudly presented the result of the FSAS Film Club project 'Hat Tricks and Golden Kicks' on Sunday February 4th, in the Light House Cinema.
The second workshop series will take place in early 2024 in collaboration with City Connects.
The FSAS Film Club is a project led by Fire Station Artists’ Studios in collaboration with City Connects and the Belvedere Youth Club, and funded by the NEIC.