11 Aug 2020News

Dublin City Council Community Enhancement Programme 2020


The Department of Rural and Community Development operates a Community Enhancement Capital Grant Scheme through the Dublin City Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) and Dublin City Council.

A total of €112,860 is available in 2020 for groups/organisations in Dublin City.

The LCDC, under the Community Enhancement Programme 2020, is now inviting applications from community or voluntary groups and not-for-profit organisations for capital funding. Applications for funding must clearly demonstrate how the funding will contribute to Goal 2 of the Dublin City Local Economic and Community Plan 2016-2021:

“Work in partnership with communities to promote social inclusion, tackle poverty and disadvantage, and promote participation, empowerment and positive social change.”

The Closing Date for receipt of online applications is Friday, 28th August, 2020 @ 5pm

Dublin City Community Enhancement Programme 2020 - Guidelines

Application Form