04 Sep 2018News

Community Grants available - for €300 to €3,000




The North East Inner City Programme Implementation Board has approved €100,000 funding for an NEIC Community Grant Scheme 2018 which will be administered by the NEIC Programme Office in 2 rounds. The purpose of this allocation is to financially support North East Inner City communities in delivering their own projects at local level where it can be demonstrated that such projects will contribute to the implementation of the Mulvey report recommendations.


The Scheme is intended to fund projects to take place in the immediate to short term. The Scheme will operate in 2 rounds. The first round was in Spring/Summer 2018 and second round in Autumn/Winter 2018.

Applications received after the closing date for either round of funding will not be accepted.

Round 1

During Round 1 of the scheme for 2018, 69 applications were received seeking a total amount of €179,960, and a total of €63,873 was awarded. The recommendations of the evaluation panel were endorsed by the North East Inner City Programme Implementation Board on 30th May 2018.

Round 2

Completed applications will be accepted from Monday 3rd September 2018 until Friday 28th September 2018 (4:00 pm).

Who is eligible to apply?

This fund is open to:

  • community/resident/voluntary groups that are based in the North East Inner City.

  • organisations working in a community based capacity to benefit those in the North East Inner City.

Organisations and groups are encouraged to work together to submit joint proposals.

Applicants must be able to demonstrate a capability to deliver measurable benefits to the local communities in the defined North East Inner City area (Area map available on request).

All applicants must be familiar with the Governance Code for Community, Voluntary and Charitable Organisations. See information at to Governance Code FINAL.pdf

Qualifying Projects / Proposals:

Priority will be given to applications that clearly demonstrate a link to delivery of actions and recommendations contained in the Mulvey Report “Dublin North East Inner City – Creating a brighter future.” particularly in promotion of themes of local participation, integration and engagement. Grants may be awarded for a broad range of proposals e.g. for one-off community projects; environmental improvements; physical activity and wellbeing; community social events and festivals; provision of materials and equipment; minor improvement works etc.

In general, the following will not qualify for funding under this Scheme, this list is not exhaustive:

Costs associated with core programmes/projects funded through other State funding.

Capital projects and infrastructural projects e.g. plaques, building restoration, monuments.

Spend on alcoholic beverages, fines, legal costs, penalty payments.

In general, the cost of items for resale is ineligible.

Grants will not be awarded towards existing staff costs, wages/salaries or administrative overheads e.g. rent, rates, insurance.

Grants will not be awarded for costs already incurred.

In general, no third party or intermediary applications will be considered.

Qualifying Criteria:

To be eligible for funding the project / proposal must meet the following minimum criteria:

  • Be organised at community level and encourage active participation by the community.

  • Be inclusive and accessible to diverse audiences and participants. Notwithstanding this, a project facilitating a particular demographic (e.g. new communities, the elderly) is allowable.

The following criteria are desirable for projects / proposals:

  • Be organised in partnership with other community/ youth group/s.

  • Have capacity to grow and have long term positive impact in the community.

What level of funding is available?

In general, the grant amount payable from this fund for any single application is in the range of €300 to €3,000 however;the maximum may be exceeded, at the sole discretion of the Programme Implementation Board, in the case of a joint application, or a proposal considered to be of exceptional merit.

The overall funding available is limited. Please note that submission of an application meeting minimum qualifying criteria does not guarantee that funding will be granted.

Previous award of grant assistance does not indicate that a similar project will be successful in 2018.

Award of a grant in 2018 does not indicate that funding will be awarded in future years.

Prioritywill be given to applications that demonstrate potential to secure a proportion of funding from other sources.

Assessment Process:

Each application will be considered on its merits.

Applications will be assessed in the first instance by a panel to be convened by the North East Inner City Programme Office who will report and make recommendations to the Programme Implementation Board. The decision of the Programme Implementation Board will be final.

Successful applicants will be notified as quickly as possible but not later than 2 months after the closing date. A “Letter of Offer” with terms and conditions will be issued which the applicant will be required to sign and return to proceed to drawdown of funds stage.


Note: The Applicant Group/Organisation must have a bank or other financial institution account in the name of the group/organisation as any payments can only be made directly by way of Electronic Funds Transfer.

  • All grant payments will be made by EFT to a bank or other financial institution account in the name of the group/organisation. In the case of joint applications it will be a matter for the applicants to decide what bank account will receive the grant.

A full post-event examination and verification of expenditure will be conducted by the NEIC Programme Office on each grant awarded. Please be advised that if you are awarded a grant, you will be required to provide the following: i) post-event report describing in full how the funding was spent ii) evidence i.e. receipts/invoices, for all items of expenditure. iii) any other specific information that may be reasonably requested by this office.

The applicant shall ensure that the North East Inner City Initiative is appropriately acknowledged as funder of the project in any promotional material, with prominent display of the NEIC logo, which is available on request from the NEIC Programme Office.

Dublin City Council is subject to provisions of the Freedom of Information Acts (FOI) 1997- 2003. If you consider that any information supplied by you is either commercially sensitive or confidential in nature, this should be highlighted and the reasons for sensitivity specified. In such cases, the relevant material will, in response to an FOI request, be examined in the light of the exemptions provided for in the Acts.

Should you require any assistance with completing the application form please contact Bláthnaid Conlon, Community Officer, NEIC Programme Office Phone: 01-2225048 or