What is it?
The NEIC Parenting Programme coordinates parenting supports and gives parents a voice for the supports they need as their children develop and grow. Being a parent is one of the most important jobs in the world and also one of the most challenging.
Our Vision
The NEIC strategic ambition is to improve family wellbeing with a focus on parenting through the development of initiatives which give
parents a platform where their voices & experiences can be heard
services within the NEIC the information they require to respond to parents’ needs and to develop strategies that will promote positive parenting.
We support an inclusive community engagement model which links every family and service in the community. The NEIC Parenting Programme is aligned with the guiding principle of building a culture of community trust through support, compassion, respect and honesty.
What Do We Do?
The Parenting Programme works to support parents and co-ordinate services in the North East Inner City. It focuses on four priority areas:
1. Increasing Awareness
Developing an NEIC Programmes & Supports Calendar to promote programmes and supports directly to parents as well as through NEIC networks, the NEIC website, and NEIC social media channels.
2. Improving Access
Linking parents with services which provide supports and deliver programmes, and acting as a central link for services and schools looking for information on available supports for parents.
3. Inclusive
Developing an NEIC Parent Forum which provides space for parents to discuss their experiences, and ensuring service delivery is welcoming, relevant and accessible to all parents across all age groups.
4. Needs Led and Evidence Informed
Working together with services to identify gaps in service provision, develop new responses, and deliver programmes such as Triple P (Positive Parenting Programme)