NEIC Parenting Co-Ordinator

NEIC Parenting Forum

What is it?

Being a parent is one of the most important jobs in the world. It is also one of the most challenging. Under Subgroup 3, the NEIC Initiative has developed the position of the NEIC Parenting Programme Coordinator to coordinate parenting support and give parents a say in how the NEIC can support them as children develop and grow.

Our vision

Our NEIC strategic ambition is to improve family wellbeing with a focus on parenting through the development of initiatives which give

  • Parents a platform where their voices & experiences can be heard

  • Services within the NEIC require the information needed to respond to parent’s needs & develop strategies that will raise awareness & promote positive parenting in the NEIC.

We support an inclusive community engagement model which links every family and service in the community. The direct involvement of local parents is part of the engagement model and engine for change in creating better outcomes and a brighter future for all children living in the NEIC.

The NEIC Parenting Forum is very much aligned with our guiding principle of building a culture of community trust through support, compassion, respect and honesty.

What we have achieved so far
  • NEIC Parents Needs Assessment Questionnaire – Questionnaire was circulated to parents in the NEIC & findings circulated to parents & services in the NEIC

  • Tabletop Discussions – Several small group discussions have taken place with parents & information gathered will be circulated to parents & services

  • Advertisement & promotion of Parenting Programmes & events on the NEIC Parenting Programme Coordinator Webpage

  • Establishment of Parenting Programme Strategy Steering Group – where local services meet with the aim of improving support for parents in the NEIC.

Over the next year, we will be:

  1. Setting up the NEIC Parenting Forum to give parents a say in how the NEIC supports children and families and what we could do better

  2. NEIC Parenting Programme & Support Calendar - providing up-to-date information to parents about the supports, courses and services available in the NEIC

  3. Events & Information leaflets that raise awareness of the issues, needs & experiences of Parents living in the NEIC

If you would like to find out more;

Contact NEIC Parenting Programme Co-Ordinator – Ph. 086 466 6456 /

  • If you would like to participate or know of parents who would like to participate in Parent Tabletop Discussions or NEIC Parenting Forum

  • If you are a parent & you would like to have your voice heard or feel your experience is not represented – Let us know!

  • We will keep you informed through this page of future events and news related to our ongoing work.