01 Aug 2019News

Social Enterprise Workshop - 21st August



We are pleased to invite you to a full day “Co-design workshop: help us shape a new social enterprise plan for the North East Inner City..

Time and Date: 9:00am – 17:00pm, Wednesday, 21st of August 2019

Venue: Ballybough Community Centre, 49 Ballybough Rd, Ballybough, Dublin 3

This workshop is being organised byCollaboration Ireland and theNorth East Inner City (NEIC) Programme Implementation Board, as part of an ongoing effort to develop a tailored Social Enterprise Plan for the NEIC area. Morning registration will start at 9:00, with the event kicking off promptly at 9:30, and finishing at 17:00. Breakfast, lunch and refreshments (from social enterprise café Third Space) are kindly being provided by the NEIC Programme Implementation Board.

Background of the workshop

A key recommendation of the 2017 Mulvey Report is to support the growth of social enterprise and social economy initiatives in the north east inner city area. To help implement this, NEIC Programme Implementation Board has commissioned Collaboration Ireland to launch a consultation and research study to ensure the interests and needs of community groups, residents and other key stakeholders are incorporated in any future social enterprise plan.

Building on our first workshop which took place on July 3rd, Collaboration Ireland wants to invite you to a day-long co-design workshop to help shape a new Social Enterprise Plan for the NEIC. By joining the workshop, you will be ensuring that your voice (and the voice of local residents, community and social impact community and social impact initiatives and organisations) are heard and used to inform the development of the plan.

Aims of the workshop:

  • To work with participants to refine the strategic aims and goals of NEIC social enterprise plan

  • To work in teams to work up specific components of the plan

  • To begin building up a roadmap of important milestones for the plan and to share your preferences for how you’d like to be involved in the plan going forward

Places are limited at the workshop, so please RSVP here as soon as possible here to secure your place. Feel free to contact Sophie Reynolds ( or Duncan Walker ( should you have any questions.


Have your say - fill out our social enterprise and social economy mapping survey!

Finally, if you haven’t already done so, we would like to remind all social purpose organisations and initiatives, (including social enterprises, charities, community and voluntary groups) with an interest in shaping the plan to please complete this mapping survey (Deadline has been extended to August 9th and the survey takes no longer than 10 mins to complete).

The results of the survey will be used to help us gain a better understanding of social enterprises and social economy organisation and initiatives operating in or near the north east inner city, and the kinds of supports and measures that could make a difference for them if included in the final plan.

Thank you and we look forward to meeting you on the 21st of August,

Sophie Reynolds

Associate Consultant

Collaboration Ireland

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