09 Jul 2018News

Dublin City Community Enhancement Programme


In May 2018 the Minister for Rural and Community Development, Michael Ring TD, announced a new €4.5m capital grants scheme. The scheme is focused on providing capital grants to local community groups, not for profit organisations and State departments or agencies. The Minister has allocated €212,306 under the scheme to Dublin City. The Programme in Dublin City is being administered by Dublin City Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) and Dublin City Council. The Dublin City Local Community Development Committee is now inviting applications for funding.

Applications for funding must clearly demonstrate how the funding will contribute to Goal 5 of the Dublin City Local Economic and Community Plan 2016-2021: Provide and protect a range of public, safe and affordable amenities, activities and facilities that are relevant and accessible to people of all ages and abilities and that contribute to the health and wellbeing of all.

Please click herefor the Dublin City Community Enhancement Programme Guidelines 2018.

To download the application form please click here.